Galleries are created from Clipbins in Cliplog. Once you create a Clipbin, you can convert that Clipbin into a Featured Gallery for display on your Contributor Profile page. We recommend using Featured Galleries to highlight the best footage in your collection, including unique or rare footage and sequences of footage that tell a story or display interesting animal behavior in action..
For instructions on how to create Clipbins, please see the Creating Clipbins help article.
1) To begin, create a Clipbin in Cliplog. For this example, I've created a Clipbin called "Featured Gallery":
2) Once you've created a Clipbin and added clips for your gallery to the bin, click on the gear icon next to the Clipbin name and select "Make Featured Gallery":
3) Once you do this, the Clipbin icon next to the Clipbin title will change, indicating that it is now a Gallery:
4) Now that you've turned your Clipbin into a Featured Gallery, you can choose a featured still image to use as a thumbnail for the Gallery. To do so, first click on the title of your Featured Gallery in the Clipbin panel on the left hand side of the page in Cliplog to view all clips that you've added to the Gallery:
5) Choose the clip with the thumbnail image that best represents your Gallery. Click and hold the clip thumbnail image, and then drag tthe mouse up until it hovers over to the "Drag Featured Clip Here" box, and release the clip.
6) Your chosen thumbnail will then appear in this box. If you decide you want to change the thumbnail image, simply repeat the drag and drop process with a different clip thumbnail image.
7) To see your Featured Gallery, go to your Contributor Profile Page. You will see a section called "Feature Galleries" right below your Profile Biography. All of your Featured Galleries will be displayed here.
8) Now if a client is viewing your profile and clicks on one of the Featured Galleries displayed on your Profile Page, the link will take you to a search page containing all of the clips that you put into that Gallery:
For more information on how to set up your Profile page, please visit our
Profile Guide to learn more.
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