You can color correct your RED in REDCINE-X, then simply upload the original .RDC folder containing the .R3D clip with its .RMD sidecar file. We’ll handle the rest!
Please note that the .R3D and .RMD files for each RED clip must be stored inside a .RDC folder. The reason for this is so that when a client licenses your RED clip, they will receive a link to download a zipped version of your .RDC folder which contains all .R3D and .RMD files belonging to your RED clip. If .R3D and .RMD files for a RED clip are uploaded without being stored inside a .RDC folder first, then a client who licenses your clip will be unable to receive all files related to the clip.
All preview media and delivery formats will be rendered on the server with your color correction applied. No need to transcode on your end, saving you terabytes of storage and hours of rendering!
We recommend color-correcting and exporting from
REDCINE-X. Update Color Space, Gamma, White Balance, etc. Export as trimmed R3D with Sidecar. The sidecar (checkbox during export) includes all of the color-correction information. The in/out points are used to trim your R3D. We can then process the R3D as your submission.
Before uploading your R3D clips, please make sure that each .RDC folder you are uploading in a single submission has a unique .RDC folder name. If two R3D clips with duplicate .RDC folder names are uploaded on the same day, then the .RDC folder for the master clip that was uploaded first in the submission will be overwritten by the .RDC folder uploaded later in the submission. As a result, we'll be missing the master file for one of your clips.
Please make sure your .R3D files are named with their original filenames, i.e. "A054_C073_0208JK_001.R3D".
Similarly, do not rename your .RDC folders. In order for R3D files to process in Cliplog, the .RDC folders must be named with the R3D clip's filename, such as "A054_C073_0208JK.RDC", "A054_C073_0208JK_S000.RDC", etc. Any R3D clips that have words, sentences or phrases in their .RDC folder name, like "deer_graze_in_forest.RDC" or "A054_C073_0208JK Copy.RDC", will not process in Cliplog, and will not be accepted.
When uploading RED clips, do not upload .RDC folders stored within a .RDC folder. A .RDC folder should only contain .R3D file(s) and a .RMD file. If you upload your .RDC folders for your RED clips stored within another .RDC folder, then your clips will not upload.
For your convenience, we've provided a REDCINE-X workflow tutorial which you can find attached to this article below. Also attached is a help guide on how to trim R3D files within REDCINE-X.