Cliplog Advanced Guide
Creating Sequences
A sequence can be used to link a set of clips together on the Nature Footage site. For example, if you have a set of clips that tell a story, or if you have a group of footage that is similar (i.e. similar location, similar subject, similar behavior, ...
Creating Clipbins
Clipbins can be used to log your footage, organize your footage, create galleries for your Profile page, or create sequences to link clips with similar subjects together on the NatureFootage site. For instructions on how to turn your Clipbins into ...
Creating Folders
Folders can be used to organize the Clipbins, Galleries, and Sequences you create in Cliplog. For instructions on how to create Clipbins, Galleries, and Sequences, please visit the help articles below: Creating Clipbins Creating Galleries Creating ...
Creating Galleries
Galleries are created from Clipbins in Cliplog. Once you create a Clipbin, you can convert that Clipbin into a Featured Gallery for display on your Contributor Profile page. We recommend using Featured Galleries to highlight the best footage in your ...
Keyword Sets
INTRO TO KEYWORD SETS The Keyword Set allows you to save a set of keywords to apply to single or multiple clips. You can also apply more than one Keyword Set to a clip; however, if a Keyword Set field is hidden within your current logging template, ...
Logging Templates
INTRO TO LOGGING TEMPLATES We've designed the layout of our Clip Edit Interface (this is the page where you will add keywords to your clips) to be customizable based on what you shoot and how you log. When you look on the Clip Edit Interface, you can ...
Metadata Import Sheet
An alternative to logging in Cliplog would be to log your footage using our custom Metadata Import Spreadsheet. You can download our Custom Metadata Import Spreadsheet straight to your computer as an Excel file below. We use the metadata import ...