NatureFootage How to Upload

How to Upload Footage

Video submissions to NatureFootage are handled via Catapult, a file transfer application.

When downloading Catapult, please make sure you are downloading the "Catapult Client Only" version for Windows or Mac respectively.

Click this link to Download CatapultPlease contact if you need assistance with installation.

Upon installation of Catapult, simply click the + icon in the top right corner and enter these credentials:

Username: [Your username for]
Password: [Your password for]

If you forgot your username or password or if you have trouble accessing our servers, email for assistance.

Please note that Catapult is only the vehicle for files to upload to your account.  Your clips are only visible in Catapult for as long as it takes for them to upload.  Once the clip is uploaded, it is removed from the Catapult window.  To view your newly uploaded clips, you will need to find the submission in Cliplog, which is accessible from your NatureFootage account under the "Accounts" menu.

If you are having issues with installation or with connecting to the NatureFootage server, please see the Catapult: Troubleshooting article for tips that may help you.  If your issue is not described on that page, please contact for additional assistance.

Once you have finished uploading footage, please see our Cliplog guides below for instructions on how to log and price your clips:


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